News and Updates from Ohio - Plus, Medical Debt Survey
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Join the Raise the Wage Action Team Meeting as we gear up to start collecting signatures to get Raising the Minimum Wage on the ballot. Oue national team meeting is tomorrow night, February 9 at 8 pm. Sign up for the meeting: Sign up to join the national Raise the Wage Team. Help us get your local elected officials to sign the Pledge to not take money from the National Restaurant Association PAC. Here is the link to the Pledge: Youth Leadership School Do you know any progressive college students, (or possibly any progressive under 40) who might be interested in attending a 2-day all expenses paid conservative leadership conference for the purpose of infiltration and a free trip? A trustworthy progressive friend of mine who did this is now thinking about getting a group to attend together (all the more fun lol!) Find out more here.   | Visit our website: | | Sent via To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Our Revolution Ohio, please click here. | | | |
posted by Sharon Renata at 11:47 AM

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