In just over 7 weeks, there will be an opportunity to elect a true democracy and climate champion to Wisconsin's Supreme Court — Judge Susan Crawford is an outstanding champion who is counting on the support of GiveGreen donors to win this must-win race to protect a pro-environment and pro-democracy majority on the Court. This race is so incredibly important for the integrity of future elections: The Wisconsin Supreme Court is critical to ensuring fairness and equity in the state's elections and would provide a check against partisan gerrymandering. A win in this election would keep a pro-democracy, pro-environment majority on the Court! This will be one of the most consequential elections this year, and the first big election during the Trump era. Now is when climate and democracy champions need your support more than ever to ensure they have the necessary resources to win — donate today directly to Susan Crawford's campaign » Susan Crawford will be the leader we need on the Wisconsin Supreme Court fighting to preserve our democracy — donate directly to her campaign to help her win this April 1st race » Susan Crawford has a history of fighting for Wisconsin's communities: She began her career as an Assistant Attorney General with the Wisconsin Department of Justice where she prosecuted hundreds of tough cases, holding criminals accountable and enforcing our laws. As the director of criminal appeals, she built strong relationships with prosecutors, public defenders, and victim advocates in every corner of Wisconsin. With the attacks on democracy from the Trump Administration, NOW is when we need to support champions at the state level who are committed to protecting and defending our democracy. This state Supreme Court seat is a must-win if we hope to keep the Court under pro-environment, pro-democracy leadership as it is critical to overseeing the state's elections and environmental regulations. Keeping this seat under pro-environment, pro-democracy leadership is critical to protecting and safeguarding our democracy in the battleground state of Wisconsin — support Susan Crawford today by sending her a contribution today » Thanks for all that you do, Team GiveGreen GiveGreen offers a strategic vision for helping elect candidates who will take real action on climate change, and for making lasting change in our political system. It works to make supporting climate champions as convenient and impactful as possible. To explore our full site, click here. | Paid for by GiveGreen United Action, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's agent or committee. | |
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