Year End News
The January 6 committee wrapped up and has released their report. One thing we can celebrate is the fact they referred Trump to the DOJ for criminal charges. Here is the link to the summary of the report:
The latest on Manchin's Dirty Deal is that it will not be in the Omnibus. This is the last round for the year. We were victorious with this round and hopefully it will soon die!
In Ohio, as part of a coalition of groups we were able to stop HJR6. Fortunately it was opposed by groups on both sides of the aisle. Read more.
Next year, 2023, we will be working to circulate petitions to get Raising the Minimum Wage on the ballot. If you are interested in helping to circulate petitions, or looking for paid work, fill out this form:
The form includes volunteering with us in our partnership with Reproductive Justice groups who are gathering signatures and possible marijuana ballot initiatives.
We are beginning our endorsements for 2023, mostly municipal elections. If you know of any Mayor, city council race or others that we need to look at please fill out this sheet with information:
Our first endorsement for 2023 is one of Ohio's Progressive Champions, Akron City Councilwoman Tara Mosley.
Tara is running for Mayor of Akron. She was a Bernie Delegate twice, and State Chair for Bernie. She has been elected to Akron CIty Council 3 times and ran for Lt. Governor with Dennis Kucinich. WE are proud to support her and look forward to working to help get her elected.
Check out her website. .png)
Join Tara for her birthday fundraiser January 6.

Shaker Citizens for Fair Ticketing
Shaker Heights citizens are concerned over the police's lethal use of force and unfair ticketing in our city. We are a group of grassroots activists with experience working with campaigns/groups like Justin Bibb for Mayor, Chris Ronayne for County Executive, Shaker Heights Anti-Racism Coalition, and Shaker Heights African-American Moms Society, among others. We are petitioning for a ballot initiative regarding fair ticketing and policing reforms.
This document summarizes information on police ticketing and traffic stops and highlights the proposed reforms and requests from the group.
Shaker Heights Public Records Request Data Review
Shaker Heights Police have issued 24, 438 tickets in the past three years. 2021 data reveals that
● Black people make up 71% of tickets issued even though they are only 25% of the
● White people make up only 24% of tickets issued even though they are more than 56% of
the population.
● Asian people are issued warnings 25% more than proportionate to their population.
According to Shaker Heights Police Data, there have been 361 uses of force by police officers inthe past three years. A written review by the Public Records Department of Shaker Heights
shows that:
● Close to 100% of all uses of force in the past 3 years have been on Black and Latino
Shaker Heights residents, even in years where white residents are the majority of attacks
on officers or resisting arrest.
● 90% of the time a gun was pulled by a police officer at a traffic stop it was on a Black
National Data Review
A New York Times investigation found that police officers in the US kill more than one
driver or passenger, who is not "wielding a gun or a knife, or under pursuit for a violent crime",
per week. The New York Times found that in many of these deaths, police officers were not
threatened. These traffic stops disproportionately resulted in the death of Black Americans..
Many arguments for this reform are over concerns for the officer or mental health administrator's safety; however the New York Times cites that "an officer's chances of being killed at any vehicle stop are less than 1 in 3.6 million. At stops for common traffic infractions, the odds are as low as 1 in 6.5 million." In fact, local governments have paid over 125 million dollars in wrongful death lawsuits related to traffic stop deaths by police officers.
Our Proposed Reforms for Charter Amendments
1. Civilian Police Oversight Board (Same as Issue 24 in Cleveland)
2. Creation of a public database of use of force/ticketing (ticket distribution by race)
3. The creation of the non-violent community administrators team.
View the full document here and learn how to get involved.
The work we do year round, since 2016 depends on grassroot support. Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution as we build and grow the movement. Become a member here.
Join us January 9 for a special Monday Night Organize to win call. Sign up here.
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