Tomorrow 1/10 They Vote!
HB 68 is a piece of legislation that would stop transgender youth from being able to have access to gender affirming care, as well as require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.
This was vetoed by Governor Dewine, but there is to be a vote to repeal the veto. We are asking that you help us take action in calling your local representatives to help keep that veto in place, and keep transgender youths safe.
Please call your State Representative and Senator and tell them to vote NO on the override of the veto. Find them here:
Tell the ODP it's time to pass a Ceasefire Resolution!
Recently an allied group, Texas Progressive Caucus managed to get the TX Democratic Party to pass a ceasefire resolution! It also calls for the right to self-determination for Palestinians, protecting innocent lives, and more.
Join us in working to get the Ohio Democratic Party to pass a similar ceasefire resolution. If the Texas Democratic Party can be persuaded, so can the ODP!
Send a letter to the officials at the ODP asking them to pass the recommended resolution.
Read the resolution here.
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