Dear team,
My name is Adam Miller and I am running to flip Ohio's 15th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Together, we are standing up for the future of Ohio, our country, and the world.
The climate fight is personal for me. My opponent, Mike Carey, spent 20 years as a coal lobbyist, working for the worst of the worst corporate polluters. Meanwhile, as a State Representative in Ohio, I've worked closely with the Ohio Environmental Council (OEC) to advocate for their priorities every legislative session. On the House Public Utilities Commission Committee, I continuously fought for renewable energy and stood up to polluters who threaten our natural resources.
This work has strengthened my resolve to protect Ohio's water, including the Great Lakes, and promote environmental stewardship.
In addition, my wife has proudly served the EPA for 35 years, and every summer, we visit our national parks, taking time to appreciate the incredible landscapes we are committed to protecting.
Now, I'm ready to take this fight to Congress, where I will focus on expanding climate justice efforts, investing in clean energy, and strengthening the EPA.
If you're ready to be part of the team that sends a climate champion to Congress and retires a 20-year coal lobbyist, contribute today to help flip this seat and protect our future » Here's why your support matters so much right now:
Ohio's 15th district has become a key battleground that could determine control of the House. This formerly red seat has been redrawn, and a significant portion of the new district is one that I've been serving as a state representative for the last 8 years.
Here's a map to show you just how much the district has changed since Carey was first elected:
Bottom line? This seat is now WELL within reach , and our campaign is the one to do it.
Flipping this seat will be a major step toward securing a pro-environment House that can build on the climate work we've accomplished under the Biden-Harris Administration.
The choice is clear: Responsible, climate-focused leadership or an extremist who has proven he's ready to sell off our clean air, water and lands to the highest bidder.
Your contribution will help us get this message to every voter in OH-15. Will you chip in $25, $50, $75, $100, or whatever you can afford today to help us retire Mike Carey and bring common sense back to Congress? I thank the GiveGreen community for their support and for your continued contributions for this campaign. Together, we can flip this seat and help secure a future where Ohio's natural resources are protected, our air and water are clean, and we continue making bold strides in the fight against climate change.
In service,
Ohio State Rep. Adam Miller
Candidate for OH-15