From Fair Districts:
If you want to get involved with signature collection, the first step is to sign up to volunteer. (You have to fill out that form even if you have already trained!) The next step is to get trained. Training options are listed below.
Petition Circulator trainings:
An important part of collecting signatures is knowing how to talk about the amendment. Join us on January 16 at 6pm for a messaging training for signature collection.
Last night we also shared this map of Fair Districts petition pick up and drop off, and this Fair Districts album of signature collection photos. Please add your favorites!
Click here for upcoming events including Martin Luther King, Jr. Day where redistricting reformers are collecting signatures. If we are missing one, please let us know.
We are looking ahead and asking you to sign up to collect signatures on election day, March 19!
Tell the ODP it's time to pass a Ceasefire Resolution!
Recently an allied group, Texas Progressive Caucus managed to get the TX Democratic Party to pass a ceasefire resolution! It also calls for the right to self-determination for Palestinians, protecting innocent lives, and more.
Join us in working to get the Ohio Democratic Party to pass a similar ceasefire resolution. If the Texas Democratic Party can be persuaded, so can the ODP!
Send a letter to the officials at the ODP asking them to pass the recommended resolution.
Read the resolution here.
Become a sustaining member of Our Revolution!
Join here.
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